The Dream Builder Vision Workshop
3 Keys to Accelerating Your Results

  • Do you know there is something more for you in your life, but you can’t get clear on what it is?  Your work, relationships, prosperity or health?
  • Do you know exactly what you would like but you can’t seem to make it happen?
  • Would you like to eliminate fear, doubt, and worry and move toward your goals with confidence?

If these questions resonate with you, then you are going to love this seminar!

Saturday, April 12th, 11am-1pm
DoubleTree Hilton, 870 Williston Rd, So Burlington

You will learn:

  • Two essential keys for tuning into your purpose.
  • A 5-point test for determining whether your dream is right for you.
  • Simple thinking-strategies that will guard you from fear, doubt, and worry.
  • What abundant people do that creates sustained success.
  • The number one factor that causes people to lose steam when going after a dream, and how to stay motivated and override it.
  • A proven method for dissolving resistance you may have to abundance so you can attract higher levels of results and abundance.
  • The 1 critical thing you must give up in order to reach your dream.
  • And so much more!

Saturday, April 12th, 11am-1pm

COST: $25