Detox Solutions: Ionic Foot Cleanse

ionic foot cleanse cedarA relaxing experience that helps your body gently release toxins (heavy metals /candida) by producing ionic frequencies in a foot bath.  The IonCleanse®’s proprietary and patented technology results in only biocompatible electrical frequencies entering the water, eliciting a relaxation response.

The IonCleanse® provides the most thorough and efficient way to facilitate total body detoxification. It is more effective and faster than any herbal or fasting protocol.

Learn how it works here.

Each 30-minute session is $45, a 5 pack is available for $185 and a 10 pack for $275. Consider an ionic foot cleanse as part of your health regimen. Schedule a consultation or call 802-863-5828 to discover which detox therapies are right for you.