Applied Kinesiology

Applied Kinesiology Chiropractic is a style of chiropractic that includes the use of Applied Kinesiology (AK) systems for evaluating structural, chemical and mental aspects of health. The evaluation process involves using manual muscle testing with other standard methods of diagnosis like palpation, muscle strength testing, reflex testing and orthopaedic examination of the area of complaint.

The chiropractor using AK finds a muscle that is unbalanced and then attempts to determine why that muscle is not functioning properly.  Is it because of joint misalignment, fascia issues, ligament/tendon imbalances, neuro or lymphatic issues.  Using the AK systems, the doctor works out the treatment that will best balance the patient’s muscle function.

Treatments may involve specific joint manipulation or mobilization, various myofascial therapies, cranial-sacral techniques, meridian and acupuncture skills, clinical nutrition, dietary management, counselling skills, evaluating environmental irritants and various reflex procedures.

AK uses the Triad of Health.  That is Chemical, Mental/Emotional and Structural factors that balance the major health categories.

The Triad of Health is interactive, and all sides must be evaluated for the underlying cause of a problem.  A health problem on one side of the triad can affect the other sides.  For example, a chemical imbalance can cause mental/emotional symptoms.  AK enables the doctor to evaluate the triad’s balance and direct therapy toward the imbalanced side or sides.

AK skills are developed and approved by the International College of Applied Kinesiology Board of Standards.  These skills are refined from many disciplines including Chiropractic, Osteopathy, Medicine, Dentistry, Acupuncture, Biochemistry, Psychology, Homeopathy, and Naturopathy etc.  Members of these professions share knowledge through the publications and conferences of the International College of Applied Kinesiology (ICAK).

A Doctor using AK during an examination will add a new dimension to standard diagnostics.


  • Is a diagnostic system using manual muscle testing to augment normal examination procedures.
  • Was founded and developed by Chiropractor Dr. George J. Goodheart, Jr.
  • Skills have been further developed by members of the ICAK
  • Is a postgraduate specialty.

Applied kinesiology works well in conjunction with chiropractic care. Learn more by requesting an appointment or give us a call at 802-863-5828 today.