Autonomic Response Testing

What is Autonomic Response Testing℠ (ART)?

Autonomic Response Testing (ART) is a highly sensitive and accurate form of bio-feedback testing developed by Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, M.D. Ph.D.  This method is used to evaluate the state of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), or involuntary nervous system, that oversees regulating heart rate, breath rate, body temperature, immune responses, digestion, hormone balancing etc.

If imbalances are detected in the ANS we use muscle testing techniques to test for the common 7 factors that may be causing the imbalance we have identified. The 7 factors include: undiagnosed food allergies, heavy metal toxicity, chemical toxicity, chronic unresolved infections, scars, temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction, unresolved psycho-emotional stress, and electromagnetic stress.  ART is carried out by noting changes in muscle strength while an organ, gland, substance, or function is being tested.

Using ART methods, we can quickly, accurately and comprehensively assess the root cause factors of your health problems and come up with a tailor-made individualized protocol.

  • ​Find out what is causing long-standing health issues and walk away with a specific, effective protocol.
  • Save money and time by identifying foods, supplements, body care products etc. that may not be good for you and causing your healing process to be delayed or blocked completely.
  • Utilize sensitive frequency-based testing to identify possible imbalances that lab tests may or may not be able to detect. For instance, most standard tests for Lyme disease have negative results because Lyme is located in the nervous system and is not easily detected.

Ask us if Autonomic Response Testing could benefit you by requesting an appointment or give us a call at 802-863-5828 today.