Oligo Scan

A revolutionary method for testing levels of Heavy Metals, Minerals and Nutritional Elements inside the cells of your tissues using a Spectrophotometer  (a full spectrum visible light device).

The idea behind the Oligo Scan is that certain minerals and heavy metals have characteristic absorption patterns, so by analyzing the light absorption in the skin with this device, it’s possible to estimate their concentrations in the body. We use this non-invasive method to assess nutritional status, detect mineral deficiencies or excesses, and monitor heavy metal toxicity.

This spectrophotometer device uses light reflection to measure 44 Elements (21 minerals, 16 heavy metals, and Vitamins A, B6, B9, B12, C, D, E). The test is immediate and is non-invasive, measuring the intracellular uptake of the elements, namely through the tissue (including muscle & small capillaries), at a depth of 4mm through the skin.

The results from an OligoScan test help to guide nutritional and detoxification protocols, allowing us to tailor interventions to address specific imbalances detected in your body.


The Oligo Scan measures intracellularly (inside the cells). This means that this will tell you what your body is storing and not removing from your system.

Here’s what the other tests tell you:

Blood Tests – Blood is the LAST place for heavy metals to show up. Blood tests show only metals that have circulated recently. Metals are dumped within a few days from the bloodstream into the tissues where they mostly reside. So for example, if someone has muscle cramps a blood test may show a “normal” level of magnesium in the blood, however, when we measure the level of magnesium in the tissues with the Oligo Scan, it will show a magnesium deficiency.

Urinalysis – A urine heavy metal test only shows to what extent the body can excrete metals. In a normal spontaneous urine sample, almost NOTHING is excreted. Only after the body is provoked (via injection) can any real measurable concentration of metals be found in the urine. Even so, what this shows is the amount of metals present in the extracellular environment (not inside the cells, which is what the Oligo Scan shows).

Hair Analysis – A hair analysis only shows which metals were present during the last three months and that is only the metals the body is actively eliminating already. If a body cannot detoxify well, low amounts of metals will be found in hair. This is called false-negative results.

Heavy metals can mimic minerals in the body.  This can lead to depletion of minerals you need while storing high levels of heavy metals in their place. In addition your body protects itself by holding onto heavy metals until it feels it is safe to eliminate them without internal harm. Using the Oligo Scan we can assist your body in the process of safely eliminating heavy metal toxicity without damage to the body and its internal organs and systems.

Heavy metal toxicity and nutritional deficiency can be precursors to many health issues like gut disfunction, skin problems, headaches/migraines, weight imbalances, hormone issues, cancer, poor blood sugar regulation and cardiovascular disease. Come in and let us help you get a deeper look at your nutritional and toxicity status so you can optimize your targets for achieving your highest level of health today!

Ask us if an Oligo Scan could benefit you by requesting an appointment or give us a call at 802-863-5828 today.