The basics of loss of body function:
Loss of function may begin with what can be considered “minor” health disruptions from headaches or insomnia, to chronic severe health disruptions like thyroid disorders, anxiety, epilepsy or non-epileptic seizures, tremors, structural impairments of the spine including scoliosis, or joint impairments including arthritis. No matter the severity of your physical condition or limitation, these impairments can cause loss of independence, decreased productivity at work or home, relationship difficulties, stress at home and overall decreased satisfaction or poor quality of life.
How does loss of function start?
The conditions listed above may be conditions that you are born with or acquire during your lifetime. Either way, the result is the same. Poor food choices that do not nourish the body and do not help to detoxify the body and can contribute to increased difficulty with the above conditions. For example, in Nancy Appleton’s book, Lick the Sugar habit, over 124 diseases or impairments are identified which are caused or exacerbated by eating refined sugar. Other environmental toxins like heavy metals and chemicals can also challenge the body, causing increased impairment for a person who already has a genetic or acquired disease, or structural body dysfunction.
When should I see an Autonomic Response Testing practitioner for loss of function?
It is time to seek help from an Autonomic Response practitioner when your loss of function begins to interfere with your life, happiness, relationships, productivity and independence. If you are unable to engage in your daily self-care activity or social functions, you have let your functional impairment go on too long. According to the Arthritis Foundation, over 27 million Americans suffer from osteoarthritis. If functional impairments and pain are impairing your quality of life, now is the time to seek help from a Nutrition Response practitioner.
How will Cedar Wood Natural Health Center help relieve my loss of function?
When you come to Cedar Wood Natural Health Center we take a holistic approach to restoring overall health and function. We couple your health concerns with Autonomic Response Testing to identify what your body system needs to detoxify and provide nutritional support in order to help your entire body return to optimal function. Your nutrition program can even turn on good genes and turn of bad genes for those genetic disorders. The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke suggest that nutrition is a key component to managing some neurological disorders like epilepsy. As your body detoxifies and repairs, overall function may be restored by way of reduced inflammation and pain, or through less sensitivities and better nervous system function for those with seizure activity. A whole food nutritional diet can even help you to sprout performance and return to leisure activity and regain levels of athletic performance.
Learn more about what makes our approach so effective by requesting an appointment or give us a call at 802-863-5828 today.