A relaxing infrared heat therapy that assists in reducing stress, joint pain, muscle tension while increasing circulation, detoxification and a general feeling of well-being. The following are benefits of using the BioMat therapy; Relaxation of muscles Increase of local circulation where applied Temporary relief of: Minor muscle pain Minor joint
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This therapy uses pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) for body stimulation with low frequencies that fall within the range of earth’s naturally occurring frequencies. Each pulse creates a minute electrical signal causing the stimulation of cellular repair. There are numerous benefits to this type of therapy including: Aids in repair of damaged
READ MORE →Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) — is a powerful tool that can be used therapeutically for a wide range of conditions where tissues have been damaged or have experienced oxygen deprivation. These can include brain injury, stroke recovery, MS, autism, conditions involving inflammation, tough to resolve immune issues such as Lyme, autoimmune