Improving our Health through focusing on the Soil

I’m sure each of you may have heard that our gut contains a large, diverse and dynamic population of microorganisms. In fact, there are 10 microorganisms for every 1 human cell in your body! Most of our gut microbiome is inherited from our mother at birth and the rest are ingested through our food, water and taking probiotics.

Here are a few of the many gut microbiome functions:

    • Enhances absorption of vitamins and minerals from your food
    • Contributes to balance of blood sugar and body weight
    • Assists in bile acid metabolism and detoxification of your tissues
    • Immune system development and regulation
    • Interacts with the nervous system in your gut to produce neurochemicals and hormones related to quality sleep, reduced anxiety and depression, fertility, etc.

Check out this video from Dr. Zach Bush, MD and autoimmune specialist, as he describes the importance of focusing on the health of our soils to support the health of our gut and overall ability to sustain immune strength and vitality.