Qest 4 Meridian Scan

This safe and intricate screening technique provides a comprehensive health analysis by scanning the bioelectric energy of your acupuncture meridian points. Once the scan is performed you will see immediate information about the health and balance of your organs, glands, vasculature, gut microbiome and more. The Qest 4 scan can uncover hidden issues that, once confronted, allow you to build a more specific plan for resolving tough to clear health issues that don’t seem to respond to the typical approaches you have tried. Once scanned, this technology provides homeopathic frequencies that can be imprinted into a tincture that you can use for moving your health in the right direction.


For more information, click this link https://Qest 4 Meridian Assessment

Try a Qest 4 Meridian Scan during the month of September and receive 20% off the scan price ($85 normally $105)